My name is Maurizio.
I live in Genova (Genoa) with my family. Genova is the Italian chief town of Liguria region.
I am 48 and married with Cinzia. We have a son, Mattia.
"Minou" is also a member of our family, hi, hi.

I am a radio transmission “fan” since 1987, when I was a young “CB” and started my activity on the “citizen band”.
One year after only, somebody told me something about other "bands".
From then on, I ever had been a "slave" to this "passion", among my life ups and downs and several years without any activity.

After the first experience as “1CB001”, I became a member of Norwegian “November Foxtrot (NF)” group, no more active now (qrz 1NF058).
The year after I become a “Club Marconi (CM)" group member, down in my city; nowadays I am proud to be a CM member.

My "radio equipment" is:

- Kenwood TS 140 S
- Kenwood TS 450 S

- Kenwood MC 60 
- Kenwood MC 85

- Sigma Mantova Turbo (base QTH)
- Sigma 4 elem. (country QTH)

My activity gives me the opportunity to contact 194 different countries, 204 international islands and 17 lighthouses, as confirmed.

I have other interests but my family comes before of all, of course.
I like listening music (particularly Rock of '60 and '70) and playing guitar (classic, folk and electric). I also like singing every kind of music; I was a singer in a polyphonic choir (as tenor), a few years ago.
I play tennis, soccer and swimming, as amateur.
I adore travelling on "pleinair", without any kind of constriction. Infact, I went camping for several years. We owned also a small "camper" and we have visited a lot of our beautiful Italian regions and several European countries.

My website has been created as a joke, in a few months and without useful notions. I did it during a lot of lunch pauses, at work. I captured the base idea from the Gruppo Marconi’s website; the graphic solutions come from several “web” free resources. I know that the final result is quite simple and not professional but I am proud to say that it is self-made, completely.
Thank you for your visiting my website and don't forget to sign my guestbook!! It will be my pleasure to write you back.



If you want to contact me, please send an e-mail to

or write to

1CM257 Maurizio
16161 GENOVA /57 (Italy)